Acceptable Use Policy
To be transparent about what is and isn’t allowed on, we’ve put together this set of guidelines. The following activity/material isn’t permitted:
- Illegal content and conduct. Self-explanatory.
- Intellectual property infringement. A good rule of thumb is to ask the rights holder for permission before publishing content you’re not sure about.
- Pornography. We know that there may be different definitions of this, but generally, we define pornography as visual depictions of sexually explicit acts. Nudity, in and of itself, is fine.
- Technologically harmful content. Please don’t upload or link to malware, spyware, adware, or other malicious or destructive code.
- Impersonation. Don’t claim to be a person or organization you’re not. (Parody and satire are ok though!)
- Directly threatening material. We don’t tolerate direct and realistic threats of violence. (This doesn’t mean that we’ll remove all hyperbole or offensive language.)
- Posting private information. Don’t share someone’s personal information without their consent.
- Spam or machine-generated content. You know what this is, and keep in mind that we don’t want you to pollute the web outside of here either, so we ask you to please avoid sending unwanted or unsolicited promotions or emails that include your content on here.
Bear in mind that these are just guidelines — interpretations are up to us. These guidelines are not exhaustive and are subject to change.
If you believe a user has violated our Terms of Service or any of these policies, please report by emailing [email protected].
If we’re not in a position to make a determination (for example, whether something is defamatory or not), we defer to the judgment of a court.